We’ve been selling, servicing and repairing electric bikes since they first came out a decade or more ago and in that time we’ve built up just about as much knowledge about these products as its possible to have. We won’t say we know it all but we’re not far off….
Category: Uncategorized
We sometimes buy bikes.
We buy bikes from all sorts of people and places and we’ll always give you the best price that we can. We do need to know a couple things first though; is it your bike to sell and do you have Proof? Our first question is normally “How much you…
Easy ways to pay for your new bike
A New bike is not just for Christmas With cost always going up and it getting harder to make ends meet. We offer an easier way to buy your next bike or a new one for your children as they grow. Our “LAY AWAY” is an easy way of paying…

**NEW BIKES**ONLY £299 each**
Call the shop 01777 703696 to check availability.

What a year that was.
So there it was 2020, what a year. To say it’s been hard for us all (especially you lot out there) is an understatement. We ran out of new bicycles in April and they only just started coming back into stock at the beginning of December, tyres and inner tubes…
Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme.
If you were one of the lucky few to bag a £50 voucher for the Government’s Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme, then don’t forget that we are an authorised repairer. The vouchers can be used to pay for bike repairs, spares and servicing up to the value of £50. If…
Don’t make us ask, please wear a mask.
It’s not that we don’t like the look of you or anything. As you probably know it’s now the law that we should all wear a mask whilst we’re in a shop and as our shop is particularly compact it’s quite important for us all be considerate and protect ourselves….
New E-Trike on the block
Just arrived from our suppliers, Eco-Voltz, the all new Flex 3 Pivoting electric assisted TRICYCLE. For those of you who are not aware if you get a good speed up on your tricycle, you have to have your wits about you and learn to lean the opposite to where you steer….

S&S Cyclefix`
For those that don’t know, Bike Pedlars and S&S Cyclefix work very closely together and are happy to support your event or fundraiser in a professional “bike Dr/support” role when we can. In the past we have supported the British Heart Foundation with their cycle event at Clumber Park and…